GraphQL - Schema and Resolvers

I have been working on an assignment for which I needed to implement GraphQL using Apollo and Express on the backend.

I’m writing this post to clarify and summarize my understanding of how the different components of GraphQL - Schema, Query, Mutations, Resolvers connect to each other.


What is GraphQL?

GraphQL is a query language that allows to fetch data from the backend. It has certain advantages over RESTful APIs by making querying for deeply nested data easier as well as avoiding overfetching of data.

A GraphQL query allows the client to specify exactly the data they want and receive no more from the backend.

Components of a GraphQL setup on backend



The schema is defined as a string using the GraphQL Schema Definition Language.

The schema is used to define

  1. What kind of queries can be made from the frontend to fetch data? (A query is the equivalent of a GET request and is used to fetch data from the backend)

        type todo(id: String): ToDo

    This defines a query type todo which will take an id of type String and return data of type ToDo. The data type ToDo is defined later in the article. This is like a function signature of the query that can be made from the frontend to fetch data.

  2. What kind of mutations can be made from the frontend to manipulate data? (A mutation is the equivalent of a POST, PUT or DELETE request and is used to modify data on the backend)

        type add_todo(id: String, title: String, completed: Boolean): ToDo

    The above defines a mutation type add_todo which will take id, title and completed variables and return data of type ToDo. This is like a function signature of a mutation that can be made from the frontend to modify data

  3. What are the different data types that will be returned from the backend in response to the queries and the mutations?

        type ToDo {
            id: String,
            title: String,
            completed: Boolean

    The above defines a custom data type ToDo which is referred in the query and mutation types as the return data type



While the Schema was used to define the function signatures for the queries and the mutations allowed from the frontend, the resolvers are used to define the functions themselves to query data from the source database.

Resolvers are used to define

  1. Functions to execute the queries and mutations defined in the schema. The interaction with the database or the appropriate data store is defined in the resolvers

  2. Functions to resolve fields within data types. For instance if a ToDo type refers to a User type

        type ToDo {
            id: String,
            title: String,
            completed: Boolean,
            user: String
        type User {
            id: String,
            name: String

    Assuming that the user field in ToDo type stores an id for the User like a foreign key, when we query for ToDo we can also fetch the corresponding user. This is achieved by defining a resolver function for user field inside the ToDo data type.