Learning Kafka - Configuring Kafka Producer for Message Ordering

The following post covers the common configuration parameters in Kafka Producer and Kafka Cluster to achieve message ordering


Message Ordering in Kafka

In Kafka message ordering is preserved only within a single partition. There is no order guarantee of messages across multiple partitions

Scenario in which message ordering can be disrupted

When the Kafka Producer is configured to retry failed messages it is possible that message A which was sent first failed while message B which was sent after was published to the partition. Now since the Producer is configured to retry message A, when message A is successfully published to the partition, these two messages will appear out of order

Kafka Producer configuration to ensure Message Ordering

For a non-zero setting of message.send.max.retries or retries it is crucial to set max.in.flight.requests.per.connection to 1.

This setting ensures that there can only be one un-confirmed message in flight and if it fails, it can be retried before sending any later messages. This helps to ensure ordering among messages per partition

The disadvantage of setting max.in.flight.requests.per.connection to 1 is that it can adversely impact message throughput on Producer.

For Kafka versions > 1.1 there is a enable.idempotence configuration setting which can achieve message ordering even with max.in.flight.requests.per.connection set to 5

Configuring Kafka Producer for message ordering

Browse Code on Github

const producer = new Kafka.Producer({
  // ...Producer configuration
  // Configure the max number of retries for temporary errors
  'message.send.max.retries': 100000,
  // Configure backoff time in ms before retrying a message
  'retry.backoff.ms': 1000,
  // Configure for consistent message ordering in the case of retries for failed messages
  'max.in.flight.requests.per.connection': 1