Learning Go - Packages and Dependency Management

I’m writing this post to summarize my understanding of Package and Dependency management in Go.

As of writing this post Go modules have been introduced. This post however covers package and dependency management in Go that existed prior to modules


Go Workspace

As a Node.js developer moving to Go, I was looking for the equivalents of npm and package.json and npm init to initialize a project. It took me a while to get a hang of the notion of workspace in Go and the resulting differences in initializing a project in Go compared to Node.js.

Starting a project in Go

The greatest shift for me as a developer coming from Node.js was the following statement from Go Docs

Go programmers typically keep all their Go code in a single workspace

Creating a project in Node.js

  1. Create a new folder - mkdir myApp

  2. Initialize package.json to track dependencies - npm init -y

  3. Initialize Git repository cd myApp; git init

Creating a project in Go

  1. Identify the Go workspace from GOPATH environment variable go env GOPATH (The default value of GOPATH is $HOME/go. Suppose for a username demo this is /home/demo/go)

  2. Move to $GOPATH - cd /home/demo/go

  3. Move to src folder - cd src

  4. Inside src folder there are multiple folders each corresponding to domains hosting Go code (eg. github.com, golang.org). Suppose the new project we create is going to be hosted on github.com under account demouser. Move to the folder github.com/demouser - cd github.com/demouser

  5. The earlier step where we create a namespace using github.com/<username> can be skipped and the project folder can be directly created inside $GOPATH/src/. Creating the unique namespace would help to share the package in the future

  6. Create a folder for the project myApp - mkdir myApp

  7. Initialize Git repository for the project - cd myApp; git init

Compiling a project in Go

  1. Move to the project’s folder cd $GOPATH/github.com/demouser/myApp

  2. go install

The above command will

  1. Create package archives for non-executable packages in myApp and store them in $GOPATH/pkg

  2. Create binary for executable packages (package main) in myApp and store them in $GOPATH/bin

Executing a project in Go

Assuming that $GOPATH/bin is added to $PATH (for Unix systems) the project can be executed from anywhere on the system with the following command myApp (This also assumes that myApp has a single executable package main and not multiple commands)

Go workspace - Folder structure and responsibilities

The long winded path to creating a project folder in Go has its reasons and becomes palatable after understanding the folder structure at $GOPATH and the responsibilities of each of the folders

  1. src - This folder houses the code for all your projects and external dependencies that you load from remote repositories (using go get)

  2. pkg - This folder stores package archives after compiling (using go install for non-executable packages). This is to avoid re-compilation of packages each time a program using these packages is compiled

  3. bin - This folder stores the binary for executable packages (using go install for executable packages)

Both src and pkg folders use the unique namespace <remote-URL>/folder-name/ (eg. github.com/username) to store code and archive files.

From Go Docs

anyone should be able to publish their code on any server, in contrast to central registries such as Perl’s CPAN, Java’s Maven, or Node’s NPM. Placing domain names at the start of the go get import space reused an existing decentralized system and avoided needing to solve anew the problems of deciding who can use which names

Importing external packages & commands

Fetching an external package

An external package can be installed using the go get command

On running go get gopkg.in/yaml.v2 the source code for the package will be downloaded at $GOPATH/src/gopkg.in/yaml.v2

Importing an external package in a Go project

To import the above package in a Go file import gopkg.in/yaml.v2.

When importing a package Go first looks for the package at $GOROOT/src followed by $GOPATH/src. Since yaml.v2 is an external package Go finds it at $GOPATH/src

Importing a nested package

A nested package can be imported by providing its relative path eg import github.com/demouser/pkg/nestedpkg after it has been go get from the remote repository go get github.com/demouser/pkg

Compiling external packages

When go install is run, the external package is compiled and stored as an archive in $GOPATH/pkg with the appropriate namespace (gopkg.in/)

File and Folder structure for a project in Go

The file and folder structure for a project in Go depends upon the number of executable and non-executable packages

One executable package

The project can have multiple Go files with package main

One non-executable package

The project can have multiple Go files with package <package-name>

n Executable packages

  1. Create a cmd folder inside the project folder

  2. Create a separate folder for each executable package inside cmd folder

When go install is run on this project the binary for the executable packages will take the name of the last enclosing folder and not the filename housing the main() function. Eg. $GOPATH/src/github.com/demouser/myApp/cmd/test would be compiled to test

n Non-executable packages

Each non-executable package should be declared in its own folder (else it returns a package can't be loaded error on go install)

When go install is run, each of the packages are compiled and stored as archive files at $GOPATH/pkg/


What is the difference between go build and go install?

For non-executable packages

  1. go build compiles the package and discards the result
  2. go install compiles the package and places the archive at $GOPATH/pkg

For executable packages

  1. go build compiles the package and places the resulting binary in the current directory
  2. go install compiles the package and places the binary at $GOPATH/bin


  1. Github Repo - Standard Go Project Layout
  2. Blog Post - Filesystem Structure of a Go project
  3. Official Go Docs - How to Write Go Code
  4. Blog Post - Everything you need to know about Packages in Go
  5. Blog Post - Anatomy of Modules in Go
  6. Blog Post - go install vs go build