Using Higher order components in React

I recently had a use case for Higher Order Components while writing a mobile application in React Native.

While the problem is simple I felt it’s well suited for a Higher Order Component.


What are Higher Order Components (HOC)?

HOCs allow to abstract out reusable code. HOCs allow a common functionality to be accessed across components without having to rewrite the code within each component.

Using a HOC

I have written multiple form field components - TextInput, TextAreaInput, RadioInput, CheckBoxInput etc which I intend to reuse.

For a specific project I needed to connect these form field components with redux store so I used redux-form. But that led to accepting certain props as this.props.input..

For instance RadioInput takes an onChange prop. Ideally I’d like this to be received as this.props.onChange. However to make RadioInput behave well with redux-form I was taking the props as this.props.input.onChange.

By taking this props from this.props.input the RadioInput component becomes tightly coupled to redux-form and that makes its reusability cumbersome.

To resolve this I used a Higher Order Component

Higher Order Component to wrap Form field components

I wrote a ReduxFormWrapper to connect redux-form with the different components.

It uses object destructuring to provide the props coming from redux-form as this.props.input available as this.props. The child component, RadioInput in this case, does not need to be modified to link with redux-form

import React, { Component } from 'react';

export default ChildComponent => {
    class ReduxFormWrapper extends Component {
        render() {
            return <ChildComponent {...this.props.input} {...this.props} />

    return ReduxFormWrapper;